
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Mrs. Eadie Missing Her Collie Dog Tom and Her Parents' 60th Wedding Anniversary, May 18, 1922

Diamond Wedding Day

Over in Southern Pines in the R. and L. Grocery store is a little Scotch woman who has only recently come into Moore county. She is filling the capacity of general manager in the store and is building up the business. Her name is Mrs. Eadie and she is from Scotland. She is an interesting soul, full of enthusiasm and has an interest in all the new things she finds in Moore county. Her husband, Mr. Edie, is the new manager for the Vina Vista preserving company and the man who will make the Moore county fruits up into jellies, marmalades and preserves. Mrs. Edie is the daughter of a pair that have lived to recently celebrate their diamond wedding, being 60 years married. This is such an unusual occurrence that only a limited few live to see such an affair or even hear of one. From Southern Pines to Scotland is quite a distance, even to travel for an event of importance, but a daughter from Portugal and one from India managed to land in Scotland in order to help the old folks with their celebration, with the girl in America the only one left out.

Mrs. Eadie has a scotch collie dog that has lost its bearings since it came to the county and has wandered far enough that it can’t be located. It is sable and white and they call him Tom. As he belongs to the little folks of the family they are hoping he may come home. As the dog came with the family from Sandusky, Ohio, they are wondering if he didn’t get homesick or is he encouraged to stay where he can’t explain his situation?

From the front page of The Moore County News, Carthage, N.C., May 18, 1922

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