
Friday, May 27, 2022

Personal Items From Littleton, Littleton Rt. 5, Calvary and Thelma, May 28, 1922

Personal Mention

Mr. J.H. Vinson of Brinkleyville spent Sunday here with his sister, Mrs. E.G. Glenn.

Mr. Cromwell Daniel, who has been attending school at Trinity College, has returned home for the summer.

Mr. V.T. Harrison, Mr. J.H. Newsom and Mrs. Newsom and her sister motored to Richmond Saturday and returned Sunday. They were accompanied on their return by Mrs. Harrison, who had concluded a visit to her sister at Davy, W. Va., and met them in Richmond.

Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Bobbitt have returned from a pleasant visit to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bobbitt at Raleigh and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bobbitt at Wake Forest.

Miss Carrie Myrick has returned from a few days visit to friends in Enfield.

Miss Rosa Taylor, music teacher in the Graded School, left Monday for her home in Wilson.

Mr. and Mrs. Rom Parker and son, after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Parker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Myrick, have returned to their home in Enfield. Dr. and Mrs. W. Reid Putney and daughter, after an absence of several weeks, are again among friends in town. They are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston.

Miss Frances Burton, who has been attending Mrs. Thurston’s School of Expression in Richmond, returned home on Tuesday for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. W.N. Thornton and daughters spent Sunday with relatives at Halifax.

Dr. W.B. Hopkins of Richmond was in town for the last week end. He was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Nicholson.

Mr. G.L. Barnes was in town on Saturday. It was Mr. Barnes’ first visit to Littleton since last November.

Mr. James Dowtin, who has been spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Taylor, left on Saturday for Norfolk, where he has secured a position.

Miss Elizabeth Kennedy, a former teacher in the Littleton Schools, is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Miles.

Mrs. J.P. Leach Jr. and Mrs. Howard Browning entertained at cards on Thursday.

On account of the first week in June being Chautauqua week, the Roanoke Minute Men chapter of the U.D.C. will meet the second Tuesday, June 13, at the home of Mrs. Cleve Stallings.

Corporal W.E. Stansbury, son of Mr. W.J. Stansbury, has been at his home on Route 2 for a few days. Corporal Stansbury was called home by the recent death of his mother.

The banks will be closed all day on Tuesday, May 30, Memorial Day.

Messrs. M. Nelson, M.J. Grant, Cleve Stallings, W.A. thorne, and W.H. Nicholson have been fishing this week at Wachaprague, Va.

Mrs. Cleve Stallings and son and Mrs. M.W. Ransom have been spending a few days in Norfolk this week.

Members of the Woman’s Club will sell poppies on the streets next Monday. The proceeds will be used for the benefit of wounded World War veterans.

We note in the Daily Southerner of Tarboro, N.C., that Master Billy Aiken, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Miles, and a former resident of Littleton, won a medal offered to the winner of the primary and grammar grade spelling contest.

Miss Ella Grant returned on Thursday from a trip to Lynchburg, Greensboro and Raleigh.

Mrs. W.H. Nicholson, Miss Mary Nicholson, and Mrs. Ben Browning and daughter spent a few days in Raleigh this week.

Mr. Sterling M. Gary, Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax, was in town a short time on Thursday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Williams and baby of Essex were visitors in town on Wednesday.

Messrs. Willis Perkins and Garland May were in Raleigh the first of the week on business.

Taylor Dowtin from near Wake Forest is visiting his aunt, Mrs. J.R. Taylor.

Miss Ethel Warren, who has been at school in Oxford, returned home this week for the Summer.

Mr. A.E. Bobbitt of Crowells has been in town this week on business.

Mr. J.M. Jackson of Roanoke Rapids was among the visitors in town on Wednesday.


Rev. N.M. Wright is entertaining his sister, who is returning to her home in Gibson from Louisburg College.

Mr. J.U. Vaughan and family of Vaughan visited Mr. W.C. Myrick and family over Sunday.

Miss Virginia Riggan visited Miss Mamie Riggan near Littleton recently.

Mrs. Charles Morris and daughter of Beaufort spent several days last week in Airlie with her sister, Mrs. Buck Morris.

There will be no church service on Sunday morning. Sunday school will be held at 10:30 o’clock.

Miss Katharine Allen, who has been teaching in the Gifton Graded Schools, arrived home this week to spend the Summer with her family at Allendale.


Mrs. ben Alston and daughter, Miss Mariam, visited her son, Mr. L.L. Alston on Sunday.

Mr. Ray Pike visited at the home of Mr. T.J. Gipson on last Saturday.

Miss Annie Belle Perkinson spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Littleton.

Mrs. E.B. Gaskill and little son, Thomas, of Wilson is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Pittard.

Mr. Bruce Browning attended the school closing at Airlie on Friday night.

Mrs. Mack Pike is on the sick list this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neal and children and his mother, Mrs. B.F. Neal, were visiting on Route 1 on Sunday.

Miss Annie Bennett and Mr. P.J. Leityner visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Pike recently.

Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Perkinson went to Littleton on business Saturday.

Mr. Edward Carter visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Pittard on Sunday.

Miss Florence Pike visited her brother, Mr. Mack Pike, Sunday afternoon.

Miss Annie Bennett had company on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Perkinson and children of Essex visited her father Saturday afternoon.

Mr. W.R. Browning returned to his work at Essex on Monday.

Miss Pearl Carter spent last week with her sister, Mrs. J.M. Perkinson.

Mr. Tommie Walker called on Miss Emma Pike last Sunday.

From The News Reporter, Littleton, Halifax County, N.C., Saturday, May 27, 1922

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