
Monday, May 16, 2022

Professional Golfer Charlie Clark to Work at City Club, May 16, 1922

Professional Golfer Comes to City Club. . . Charlie Clark of Philadelphia Will be on Links from Nine to Six Daily

Charlie Clark has arrived from Philadelphia, Pa., to become professional at the Hendersonville Golf Club, and he will be on the links from 9 to 6 daily. One dollar day is the rate for non-residents, $15 a week, or $30 a season. Arrangements may be made at the Board of Trade or with Mr. Clark at the club. Several organizations and merchants of Hendersonville plan to give trophies as tournament prizes, the tournaments to be played later in the season after the handicap is fixed.

Mr. Clark declares that the links are in splendid condition and that considering the age of the course that it is a fast one and will interest most any lover of the sport.

From the front page of the Hendersonville Times, Tuesday, May 16, 1922

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