
Monday, May 30, 2022

Rocky Mount Has Mass Meeting to Save Her Ball Club, May 30, 1922

Rocky Mount Has Mass Meeting to Save Her Ball Club

(Rocky Mount Telegram, May 30)

The latest development to save the Rocky Mount franchise and keep the Tar Heels in the Virginia League for the remainder of the season is the rally of the fans of the city to the Tar Heels’ financial support through the calling of a mass meeting which is to be held in the recorder’s courtroom of the municipal building Wednesday night at 8 o’clock.

Following the portrayal of the actual conditions by the Tar Heels officials last week as suffered by the local club on account of the present financial system, under which each club in the circuit is upon its own financial bottom, and the poor attendance here, fans have been informally discussing means to save the club ever since and the discussion took tangible form when a call was sounded by representative fans of the city for Wednesday night’s mass meeting.

Those who have taken the initiative in calling the meeting have discussed the matter informally with Tar Heel officials who have been requested to be present at the gathering and outline the exact situation and tell exactly what it will take to save the club. It is urged that every interested fan in the city be present at the meeting as something must be done that night before matters come to a head at the special meeting of the Virginia league directors called by President Moye at the request of the Tar Heel moguls to convene here Thursday night, June 1.

From the front page of The Daily Southerner, Tarboro, N.C., Tuesday, May 30, 1922

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