
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The News From King, N.C., May 17, 1922

King Bank Elects Officers. . . W.E. Hartman Given Birthday Dinner—A Death and a Marriage—Mrs. Adkins Taken to State Hospital

King, May 15—At a meeting of the Farmers’ and Merchants Bank held here last week Mr. Fred E. Shore was elected president to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. J.T. Smith, and the following directors were elected: J.E. Turner, J.M. Alley, N.E. Preston, Fred E. Shore, and R.C. White. Mr. Jas. R. Bowen was made vice president and Mr. Jno. A. Leake cashier. At this meeting it was decided to raise the capital stock from $10,000 to $15,000.

Mrs. Perry Adkins, who lost her mind recently, was carried to the State Hospital at Morganton last week. Mrs. James Tuttle of Sherman, Texas, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. J.M. Alley on West Main street. Mr. Tuttle says that the Mississippi river was eight miles wide at the point where he crossed it, due to the flood in that section.

The relatives and friends of Mr. W.Everett Hartman gave him a surprise birthday dinner Friday, a large number being in attendance. Temporary tables were quickly arranged on the shady lawn on which was served a fine dinner. Everyone present seemed to enjoy the occasion immensely. This was Mr. Hartman’s 32nd mile stone.

Farmers in this section are about half through planting tobacco.

Rev. Loyd M. Holloway, of the enlistment board, will be with Rev. E.W. Turner at his regular appointment at King Baptist church on the 4th Saturday and Sunday in May.

Mr. C.O. Boyles made a business trip to Winston-Salem today.

Mr. Sidney O. Schaub and wife and Miss Cladie Stone of High Point spent Sunday with Mrs. B.J. Stone.

Mr. Geo. W. Priddy, aged 59, and Mrs. Mary Etta Bray, aged 37, were quietly married here yesterday, Esq. James R. Caudle officiating.

Mrs. John Henry Kreeger, aged about 67 years, died at her home near Tobaccoville early this morning after a lingering illness of several months.

The Boyles Co., who have opened up an undertaking business in addition to their mercantile business, have just received an up-to-date hearse.

Several of the people here attended the closing exercises of the Pinnacle high school Friday and Saturday and they report a nice entertainment.

From the front page of The Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, May 17, 1922

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