
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Women Want Tangible Benefit to Community, Children, May 26, 1922

Women in Politics

Wake county has been all fussed up about the women who are getting into politics, and likewise the state party directors have had their little excitement on the same lines. But the women are in politics, and the men may as well realize it. Moreover the women are not in politics to sit by quietly and hold up their thumbs when Simon says, “thumbs up.” The women have an opinion of their own, and that opinion is that not only are they in politics but that their voices are in politics.

If any man in this state, or in this nation, has not realized that the women are going to be active factors in all public affairs that man can take another look at his hand. Suffrage was given the women about the time that the primary election law was given to the country. Perhaps it is not too much to say that the suffrage for women was one of the sources of salvation when the primary came, for the women have accepted the primary as a permanent condition and satisfactory, and they look on it as a means to the end they are interested in, which is to pick the candidates and to determine the platform. Women are among the best politicians in the world, but the spoils they are after are different from those the men want. The average man looks to some political gain. The women want material results for the people. An office does not look half so big to the female voter as something in the way of tangible benefit to the community or the children does. And the women cannot be turned aside from what they want by the threat of excommunication or political damnation.

The big influence in politics in the present and future will be the women, and the politicians are beginning to understand this fact.

Lead editorial in The Pilot, Vass, N.C., Friday, May 26, 1922

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