
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Balsam News Briefs, June 22, 1922

Balsam News

Mrs. Wesley Queen received notice of the death of her half-sister, Mrs. Lassie Swanger Henry, which occurred last week at their home in Clear Lake, Washington.

Monday of last week Mrs. D.T. Knight and entire family suffered violently from ptomaine poisoning. However, they are about well now.

We are glad to know that Mr. H.P. Ensley and family have returned to their home here after spending the winter in Waynesville. Mr. Ensley has been quite sick but is improving.

Mr. W.S. Christy is also on the sick list.

Rev. O.J. Jones of Sylva visited the sick members of his congregation here Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ensley of Hazelwood visited his parents here Sunday.

Miss Catharine Rickards of West Palm Beach, Fla., is here for the summer.

Mr. B.D. Rosenbrook and family of Savannah, Ga., are also here for the summer.

Mr. John Brooks is quite sick.

Lloyd, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Bryson, fell out of an automobile and was badly bruised, having been caught between the wheel and the bank. However, he is getting on all right now.

Marion, little son of Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Howell, swallowed a large rusty pin Saturday, but so far there has been no bad result from it. Messrs. W.B. Farwell and Geo. T. Knight motored to Asheville Tuesday.

The Protestant Methodist Sunday School of Canton picnicked in Balsam Friday. They came by motor. We enjoyed their good singing and hope they will come again.

Miss Harriett Christy of Norfolk, Va., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Christy.

Hotel Balsam and Balsam Lodge are open and receiving guests.

Mrs. J.R. Rork went to Waynesville Saturday.

From The Carolina Mountaineer and Waynesville Courier, Thursday, June 22, 1922

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