
Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Burn All School Histories, Says Senator L.Y. Sherman, June 7, 1922

Says all School Histories Ought to be Burned Up. . . Former United States Senator Makes Startling Statement at Commencement

Lincoln, Ill., June 7 (By the Associated Press)—Former United States Senator Lawrence Y. Sherman told students in a commencement address at Lincoln college today that “all school histories ought to be burned.”

“It is safer,” he said, “to find the exceptions to this rule, if there are any, than to oppose the rule. They would shed more light on a disordered world in a barn fire, than in the school room.

“New ideals,” he declared, “Must be taught and practiced, or civilization will be quenched in a world’s dark age.

“The ancient and medieval history taught the people is the menace soiling the minds of the children. Principally, it is an approving recitation of crime by the wholesale, mitigated by individual virtue of long intervals.”

From the front page of the Fayetteville Observer, June 7, 1922

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