
Saturday, June 11, 2022

Charlotte City News, June 11, 1922

City News Told in Tabloid Form

--S.A. Graham of Lane, S.C., is guest of Mr. and Mrs. James D. Sandridge, 10 South Myers street.

--D.A. Abernethy has been granted a building permit for the erection of a 16-room apartment at 812 West avenue. The building will contain four $10,000. (words left out…maybe four apartments and cost $10,000?)

--Dr. W.A. McPhaul, city health officer, will go to Raleigh Sunday night to attend a conference of North Caroilina wholetime health officers, which will be in session for several days.

--Mayor Walker returned Saturday morning from New York City, where he had been in conference with bond attorneys regarding the issuance of city refunding bonds.

--Born to Dr. and Mrs. R.H. Hardin at Shulls’ Mills, Watauga county, a daughter. Mrs. Hardin is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J.A. Austin of this city. The arrival is the 13th grandchild of Dr. and Mrs. Austin.

--Rev. Constantine Garoufalis, pastor of the Greek church at Augusta, Ga., will preach to members of the Charlotte Greek colony at the Chamber of Commerce Sunday morning at 9 o’clock.

--Friends of H.S. Shealey, the aviator, will be glad to know that he has recovered and has returned to his home after being confined to the Mercy Hospital for several days as the result of an attack of ptomaine poisoning.

--Fire fighters from the central statin were called Saturday night about 9:30 o’clock to extinguish a blaze in a negro house owned by E.L. Keesler, in Tenth Street alley, between Davidson and Alexander streets. The damage was only slight.

--Funeral services for W.H. Moore, who died at his home, 903 North Caldwell street Friday morning were conducted Saturday morning at Mount Harmony church near Matthews, this county. Interment was in the churchyard.

--The funeral of Mrs. R.P. Rutledge, who died early Friday morning, was conducted at the residence 710 East Fourth street, Saturday morning by Rev. Father Anthony, rector of St. Peter’s Catholic church. Interment was in Elmwood cemetery.

--Friends of Major H.D. Duckworth, Adjutant of Mecklenburg camp of Confederate veterans, will be glad to know that he is improving after being ill for several days and confined to his home at Seversville. He hopes to be able to attend the annual Confederate veterans reunion at Richmond this month.

--Wade Barrier and daughter, Miss Katherine Barrier, of Johnson City, Tenn., arrived in Charlotte Saturday night to visit Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Barrier, 9 Travis avenue. Mr. Barrier will remain only for the week-end, but his daughter will spend some time with her grandparents.

--The Citizens Tire & Auto Supply Company is a new corporation chartered by the Secretary of State, and that will have its principal office in Charlotte. The authorized capital stock is $100,000, and the incorporators are R. Same, L.D. Walker and Dr. C.M. Strong. The company will handle auto accessories of various kinds.

--Cliff Redfern of Charlotte, Dwight Cross and Dr. Thomas Craven of Huntersville have gone on a month’s motor trip through the east and Canada. After visiting Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and Canada, the party will go to Lockport, N.Y., where Mr. Cross will visit his sister, Mrs. J.B. Neden.

From page 2 of the Charlotte News, June 11, 1922

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