
Monday, June 27, 2022

Colony at Mountain Home Enjoying the Season, June 27, 1922

Colony at Mountain Home Enjoying a Splendid Season

Mountain Home, the well-known summer colony of Florida people, is situated on the Henderson-Asheville highway, 4 ½ miles north of Hendersonville, where mountain breezes blow, and is quite a popular resort these warm summer days.

The colony was funded seven years ago, when a number of people from St. Petersburg and vicinity formed a stock company and purchased several hundred acres of land that was ideal for such an enterprise. They subdivided it, or a good portion of it, into lots 70 b 140 feet, and numbered the lots, 1 to 250. The numbers were put into a receptacle and shaken until they were well mixed. The members of the colony each drew a number from the receptacle, and so on until all the numbers were drawn out. The various members of the enterprise improved the lots so drawn as they saw fit and proper.

Soon the colony attracted the attention of people not only from Florida, but from South Carolina, Alabama, Iowa, Illinois, Massachusetts, Mississippi, and Canada. Today these various states and foreign countries are represented by lot owners in the village of Mountain Home. There is a water system owned by the villagers, that furnishes an ample supply of water to the residents and property owners in this well-known town of Mountain Home. The water comes from the mountain side by gravity, and is as pure as any water found on this continent east of the Rocky Mountains. There is also a big, bold spring near by that the villagers patronize freely. What a treat it is to be able to quaff the pure cold water from this mountain spring! Many people congregate at the spring during the hot summer days to drink of the cool and thirst-quenching waters.

In addition to being alive with its summer population, Mountain Home is developing into an all-year round proposition. Some of the owners of the property in this mountain resort live there all the year, enjoying the winter as well as the summer climate.

The inhabitants of this lovely little mountain village have up to this time gotten their mail on a rural route, which runs through the town, but soon they will have a post office all their own. The post office will bear the name of Mountain Home, and Miss Jacabson will be the first postmistress. The villagers will then take delight in walking down to the post office for their mail, This no doubt, will be quite a pleasure.

The season of 1922 at this well-known resort, is now in full swing, and will last until October. And, as above stated, people from several states may be found summering at Mountain Home.

Rev. Mr. Thrower of Tampa, Fla., is among those who are spending the summer at Mountain Home. Other prominent people are there also. They have for amusement lawn tennis, quoits and other games of like tenor.

They also have services each Sunday at the village. These services are well attended by people of the village and others.

C.W. Weicking, a whole-souled and likeable man, conducts a splendid hotel at Mountain Home. His house is modern and up-to-date, and to say that he furnishes a well filled table expresses it mildly.

This mountain resort is free from the burdensome taxes, being situated outside of any incorporated town, which is considerably in its favor. These people do much trading in Hendersonville.

While summering in the mountains this season, you should not fail to take a look at Mountain Home. You should actually spend a day there and see the many advantages this splendid colony can boast of.

The people of Hendersonville and surrounding country appreciate this colony of good people and The Times takes this occasion to say so.

From page 3 of the Western North Carolina Times, Hendersonville, N.C., Tuesday, June 27, 1922

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