
Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Fayetteville Town Topics, June 7, 1922

Town Topics

The gardens are growing nicely in Fayetteville now, on account of the frequent showers and warm night, but the grass and weeds are growing a little faster, so Dad will have to get out his garden plow and hoe.


And now that we have the drinking fountains installed throughout the city, let’s get down to business and see that the old town clock in the old market house tower runs and strikes regularly.


Norwood Tillinghast, who lives next door to the YM.C.A. building, reports that he heard the croak of a bullfrog in the Y.M.C.A. swimming pool this morning. But why worry? Bullfrogs don’t bite.


Trade with the merchants of Fayetteville is as good as could be expected for this season of the year.


Parents and guardians are well pleased at the good showing made by the pupils in the city school commencements.


No more school for awhile. And the deep, cool green of the woods, where the swimming lies beckons the boys to joys that only the young can have.

From the front page of the Fayetteville Observer, June 7, 1922

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