
Monday, June 27, 2022

Fletcher, Hickory Nut Gap, Etowah News, June 27, 1922

Rural News Items


Mrs. J.L. Beal and two daughters of Gastonia, N.C., are guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. J.C. Sales.

Dr. and Mrs. J.W. Sumner were called to Siler City last week on account of the death of Mrs. Sumner’s father.

A.J. Hart of Flat Rock visited his daughter, Mrs. A.G. Wolfe, recently.

J.E. Ballinger has returned home after visiting relatives in Hendersonville.

The friends of Mrs. M.L. Baldwin will regret to learn that she is seriously ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion McCarson and children of Biltmore were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. German Southern during the week-end.

Miss Pearl Weaver, Henderson County public health nurse, was here two days last week examining the school children of this section.

Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Ballinger and little daughter of Hendersonville spent Sunday here with relatives.

George Lance had the misfortune of breaking his arm while cranking a car a few days ago.

S.L. Reese who died at his home in Hendersonville was buried at Patty’s Chapel cemetery here last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Reese was a former resident of this township and had many friends and relatives here.

Miss Olive Odam who has been spending a few days here has returned to her home in Balfour.

The series of services which has been going on at Calvary Episcopal Church for several days has come to a close.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jackson of Asheville were recent visitors here.


Mrs. J.E. Simpson, Mrs. J.E. Kennette, Miss Lucy Wilson, J.L. Barnette and W.H. Patrick of Gastonia were visitors in this section Sunday and were delighted with the scenery.

Otis T. Hallman of Charlotte was here the past week on business.

Mrs. Maybee Smith and two children, of Newport News, Va., are here visiting her father, S.G. Freeman.

Mrs. Bishop was a vistor at Chimney Rock Sunday.

The farmers in this section now have their corn crops in excellent condition, and hope to be able to keep them so, provided the favorable weather continues.


The concert given by the Seben Choir of Asheville at the school house Saturday night was greatly enjoyed by a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Blythe of Brevard spent the week-end with relatives.

Percy Justus made a business trip to Hendersonville Monday.

Walter Lance, Percy Justus and Denton Morgan motored to Penrose Sunday afternoon.

The citizens of this community are still looking forward with eager eyes to the completion of the new and better road through this section and hoping to see it in the near future.

Misses Emma and Renona Cantrell of Big Willow called on Miss Julia Morgan Saturday morning en route to Brevard.

Miss Migga Aiken of Asheville visited Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Aiken Sunday.

The Sunday school at this place is progressing nicely under the leadership and guidance of O.C. Orr.

From page 2 of the Western North Carolina Times, Hendersonville, N.C., Tuesday, June 27, 1922

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