
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Frank Morgan, 78, Shot While Walking Through Woods, June 28, 1922

Shoots Old Soldier Without Any Cause. . . Unidentified Man Fires on Veteran 78 Years of Age, As He Passed Through Woods

Albemarle, June 27—Frank Morgan, 78, a Confederate veteran, was shot from ambush near Oakboro yesterday afternoon. He was passing along through a wood traveling a somewhat abandoned pathway when suddenly and without warning he was fired upon by someone, a shotgun being used with the result that he was rather seriously wounded, a large number of shot entering his body.

It was said that he was wearing his Confederate badge and that the party who shot him possibly took it for a prohibition officer’s badge and fired thinking he was shooting a revenue officer.

It will be remembered that three or four years ago near the same section a man by the name of Shoe was shot and instantly killed while passing through the woods but the guilty party was never apprehended and until this day the slayer of Shoe is unknown.

Sheriff Morton was called and rushed to the scene of the shooting promptly and proceeded to scour the woods for the assailant of Mr. Morgan but although he and his deputies are at work on the case this morning, there seems to be no clue as to the guilty party.

While Mr. Morgan is seriously wounded it is hoped that he will recover in the absence of complications.

From the Concord Daily Tribune, June 28, 1922

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