
Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Free Anti-Typhoid Clinics Proposed for Catawba County, June 21, 1922

Urge Campaign in Catawba County

The county board of commissioners will be asked at their next regular meeting to put on in cooperation with the state board of health a free anti-typhoid fever campaign in the county, and there is little doubt that Catawba will see a repetition of the clinics this year. Several years ago the first dispensaries were opened and proved highly successful.

As a means of preventing typhoid fever, vaccination is the only remedy known. It is practiced in the army and navy and in some countries is compulsory for the civilian population.

It is hoped that when the dispensaries are opened Catawba people will attend in large numbers and make this campaign the best ever held here.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, June 21, 1922

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