
Friday, June 10, 2022

George Blackwelder, J.H. Williams, Have Died, June 10, 1922

Death of Mr. Geoge Blackwelder Early Today. . . Well Known Farmer Died at His Home in No. 5 township—Funeral Services Tomorrow

George Blackwelder, prominent farmer of this county, died at his home in No. 5 Township this morning at 1:30 o’clock, after a lingering illness. Death was caused by Bright’s Disease.

Mr. Blackwelder was 73 years of age, and was well known throughout the county. He is survived by one brother, Allen Blackwelder, of this county, and two sisters, Mrs. Jacob Honeycutt and Mrs. Sherrin, both of this county. His wife died 13 years ago.

Funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock at Fairview Church, conducted by the pastor of the Church. Interment will be made in Fairview Cemetery.


Death of Mr. J.H. Williams Thursday Night

J.H. Williams, well known citizen of this city, died Thursday night at the Concord Hospital, where he underwent an operation for kidney trouble He was about 74 years of age.

Surviving are two brothers and one sister, who reside in Monroe, and six children. The children are Mrs. M.A. Polk of Charlotte, Mrs. M.J. Polk of Union County; Mrs. L.A. Garner of High Point, Mrs. Rena Skidmore of Concord; and C.J. and Sidney Williams of Concord.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, June 10, 1922

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