
Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Harland Wilson, Mr. W.G. Hall, Miss Janie Leach Have Died, June 21, 1922

Mr. Wilson Dead

Mr. Harland Wilson, second son of Dr. and Mrs. R.B. Wilson, was killed yesterday at Dante, Va., the sad message being conveyed in a telegram to the parents of the young man last night. No particulars have been learned. The body will reach Hickory some time today.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, June 21, 1922


Death of Esteemed Resident of City. . . Mrs. W.G. Hall Died Early This Morning; Hers Was a Life of Service

Mrs. Olivia Stedman Hall, widow of Wilbur G. Hall, died at her home on Maiden Lane at 2:15 o’clock this morning after a period of declining health of more than a year. She was a descendant of prominent and widely known families, being a granddaughter of the late Judge Henry Patter and a daughter of the late Captain John Madison Stedman, who lost his life by the explosion of his steamboat on Cape Fear River.

Mrs. Hall was a woman of great force of character and decided ability. Hers was a life of service, and it can be said truly that she strove faithfully and well in her day and generation. She possessed rare musical talent and culture, and for years was the principal music teacher of the city, many of Fayetteville’s best and most thorough musicians being instructed by her. During a long period, she was organist and instructor of the choir of First Presbyterian Church of this city, and the high class of music always rendered at this church bore evidence of her ability and faithful service. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church. Loyal and devoted to her family, friends and church, her loss will be felt sadly.

Mrs. Hall leaves two children—Miss Robbie Hall and John P. Hall, both residents of this city; three grandchildren, Douglass, Edward and Miss Elton Hall, children of the late Douglass Hall of Columbia, S.C., and a sister, Miss Ella Stedman of Fayetteville.

The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock from the residence on Maiden Lane, conducted by Rev. J.A. McMurray. Mrs. Douglass Hall and two children, Elton and Douglass, came here today from Columbia to attend.


Miss Janie Leach of Maxton Passes Away

Mrs. W.B. Malloy has received a telegram announcing the death of Miss Janie Leach, her aunt, which occurred at her home in Maxton yesterday. Miss Leach, who was a member of the Center Presbyterian Church, was greatly beloved by a large circle of relatives and friends in Robeson County.

Mr. and Mrs. Malloy went to Maxton by automobile this morning to attend the funeral, which was held at 4 o’clock this afternoon.

From the front page of The Fayetteville Observer, June 21, 1922

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