
Monday, June 6, 2022

Mrs. J.F. White Has Died, June 6, 1922

Mrs. J.F. White Accidentally Killed in Richmond Yesterday. . . Remains Will Reach Oxford This Afternoon

Word reached Oxford yesterday about noon to the effect that Mrs. J.F. White was accidentally hurt by a car in Richmond, and that she was taken to a hospital. A few minutes later word of her death in the hospital reached here.

The remains of Mrs. White will reach Oxford on the 1:30 Southern train this afternoon.

Particulars of Mrs. White White’s death could not be ascertained. It was stated however that Mr. White and Mrs. Leach were with her at the time of the accident. Mr. and Mrs. White motored to Richmond Wednesday.

Mrs. White is survived by the following children: Mrs. R.L. Brame, Oxford; Mrs. E.G. Thomas, Henderson; J.L. White, James White, Misses Bertha and Inez White, Oxford; three sisters, Mrs. C.B. Leach, Richmond; Mrs. Rufus Knott, Raleigh; and Mrs. J.F. Qurrin, Oxford.

Funeral arrangements have not been announced.

From the front page of The Oxford Public Ledger, June 2, 1922


Remains of Mrs. J.F. White Rest in Elmwood

The funeral of Mrs. J.F. White, whose tragic death occurred in Richmond on Thursday, was held from her home on College Street Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The service was conducted by Rev. J.D. Harte, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Oxford, of which Mrs. White was a most consistent member. Several hymns, favorites of the deceased, were sung sweetly by the choir. Seldom has such genuine grief been expressed at any death in Oxford as has been felt at the untimely passing of such a beloved woman. The deceased was the youngest of 18 children of the late Henry Hobgood of Granville County. The floral offerings were very exquisite and numerous. Mrs. White was a woman of strong personality and beautiful characteristics.

The following out-of-town relatives were present for the service: Mr. and Mrs. R.F. Knott, Mrs. Edgar Womble, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Currin, Mrs. L.G. Morrow, Mrs. B.R. Acton, Mrs. S.M. Knott, Mrs. Frank Mitchell, Miss Irene Knott, Lee E Knott, Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. I.W. Sharp, Miss Mary E. Carson, Greensboro; Mr. and Mrs. C.E. King, B.W. Hobgood, Sam Hobgood, Durham; Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Chatham, Mrs. Kate Cheatham, Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Thomas, E.B. Thomas, Henderson; John Leach, Wilson; Mrs. Rosa Hobgood, Mrs. Chase. Johns, Mrs. George Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobgood, Buffalo. The interment took place in Elmwood Cemetery.

The following were the active pallbearers: Jack Clement, Melvin Mayes, Chas. Garman, E.G. Moss, J.L. Suit, H.B. Bryan, W.H. Upchurch. Honorary pallbearers were F.P. Hobgood, J.F. Meadows, J.D. Brooks, D.G. Burmmitt, B.S. Royster, F.W. Hancock, W.H. Hunt, H.G. Cooper, W.A. McFarland, T.G. Stem, I.H. Harris, J.S. Bradsher, S.W. Parker, I.H. Davis, W.T. Yancey, J.B. Powell, A.H. Powell, J.G. Hall, D.C. Hunt, J.T. Daniel, A.P. Hobgood.

From the front page of The Oxford Ledger, June 6, 1922

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