
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Shopper Complains Over Corn Costing $1 a Bushel at Store, June 14, 1922

Town Topics

The mosquito rush will be on in a short time. As George Washington or Andrew Jackson or Thomas Jefferson or somebody said, “In time of peace prepare for war.” Have your doors and windows screened; and if they already are screened, see that the screens are mosquito proof.


This is decidedly good weather for road work. We trust that the Cumberland County road forces are taking advantage of it.


Begin right now to look well after the teething tots. Keep up their strength and nourish them in every way possible, for this weather is bad on them.


A certain rural dweller inquired the price of corn at a store, and on being told it was $1 a bushel, remarked, “Before I pay such a price I’ll eat ‘dry’ bread.”


Back to the simple life: as little clothing during the heated term as is permissible.


The people of Fayetteville are looking forward confidently for a prosperous Summer and Fall, even though the boll weevil may attempt some stunts down on the farm.


Smithers says he has concluded that, after all, Fayetteville suits him all right as a vacation resort, being as how he cannot “go abroad.”

From the front page of the Fayetteville Observer, June 14, 1922

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