
Saturday, June 18, 2022

Social Notes from Mooresville, June 18, 1922


Mooresville, June 17—The Maid and Matrons’ Club met with Mrs. Ernest Mills on Wednesday afternoon. This was the final literary meeting for the club year, 1921-1922. The topic for study the incoming year will be Southern Literature.

Miss Pauline Edminston was hostess to a number of invited guests on last Wednesday evening.

The “Round Dozen Club” was organized on last Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews on Iredell Avenue.

Rev. R.A. Goodman of Newberry, S.C., spent several days here this week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.A.B. Goodman. Mr. Goodman will also go to Blue Ridge where he will attend conference.

Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Donald returned Wednesday from Rock Hill, S.C., where they had been visiting for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Beach. Little Elizabeth will spend some time with relatives in Rock Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Lawrence, who have made their home in Clearwater, Florida, for several years, have returned to Mooresville to reside in the future. Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Turner, on West Center Avenue, have had as their guests for several day Misses Helen and Mary Dayvault of Concord.

Mr. W.H. Faulkner and daughter, Miss Willie Mae Faulkner of Atoka, Tennessee, are visiting Mrs. W.W. Boyce on North Main street. Mrs. Boyce is a daughter of Mrs. Faulkner.

Mrs. John S. Grierson, after spending several days here with her mother, Mrs. J.S. Grierson on Main street, has returned to her home in Charlotte.

Mrs. A.E. Bell and children are spending the month of June visiting at the home of Mrs. Bell’s father, Mr. O.D. Mann of Whitaker.

Misses Rebecca and Mary Beth Davidson left the latter part of the week for Monitoz, West Virginia, where they will reside in the future. They were accompanied by their aunt Miss Minnie Williams, who has been spending some time with them.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, June 18, 1922

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