
Saturday, June 11, 2022

State Will Help Farmers Build Silos, June 11, 1922

State Will Assist in Building Silos

Luke Hahn of the extension department of the State Agricultural Bureau spent several days in Mecklenburg county during the past week with Kope Elias, farm demonstration agent, visiting farms where the owners are interested in constructing silos. He will return to the county between July 15 and August 1 to pursue the matter further and to consult with any farmers who may wish to construct silos.

Furthermore, he wants the names of all farmers who are interested in the subject filed with Mr. Elias in his office at the court house so he may consult with them with as little inconvenience as possible n going about the construction of silos.

The feature of his announcement is that the State will furnish a model or form for $20 which farmers may follow in constructing their own silos. It is a steel frame, 12 feet in diameter. The builder of a silo may use the frame on which to pour the cement for erecting a silo, providing he wants one 12 feet in diameter, and may build it to as great a height as he desires.

The use of the frame, which is a new device for silo building, began with the State lending it to farmers I the Asheville neighborhood and working this way and thence toward the Eastern part of the State.

Mr. Elias says it is an exceptional opportunity for any farmer who wants to build a silo inexpensively to do so.

From page 2 of the Goldsboro News, June 11, 1922

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