
Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Unprecedented 8.29 Inches of Rain Fell in Reidsville Area Monday Night and Tuesday Morning, June 21, 1922

Unprecedented Rain Falls in Reidsville Tuesday Morning

Reidsville, June 21—Unprecedented rains fell in this section early Tuesday morning and Monday night, causing much damage to crops and property. The heaviest downfall was within a radius of three or four miles of Reidsville.

Weather Observer E.M. Reed reports a rainfall of 8.29 inches in Reidsville. Water on the streets was hub-deep and automobiles had difficulty in traveling the streets. The Edna Cotton Mills pond in Reidsville, Rankin’s pond five miles south of Reidsville and perhaps other dams in the county gave way under the pressure of the water. A number of bridges on small streams and approaches to come concrete bridges were washed away.

It was the hardest rain and longest period of excessive downpour perhaps ever known in the section. A number of first floors of business houses and residents here were flooded.

From the front page of The Fayetteville Observer, June 21, 1922

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