
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Waynesville Has Aroused From Sleep by Jessie Daniel Boone, June 22, 1922

Waynesville Has Aroused From Sleep

By Jesse Daniel Boone

Just take an early morning peep

At Waynesville, well-aroused from sleep.

See wooden buildings giving ‘way

To modern ones of well-burnt clay;

Where once were sorry, muddy lanes

Are well-paved streets and water mains;

The vacant storehouse, home and room

Are all fille dup and help things boom.

Where once was heard lament, complaint,

From merchant, sinner, and from saint;

You hear these praising up the town

While a smile replaced every frown.

To those who left and went away

Dawn brings a new and better day;

Another Waynesville has appeared;

The clouds have gone; the sky has cleared.

The boosters drove the grouches back

And now we have a good clear track;

So open up and let’s all go;

We’re tried of running thing sin low.

Step. On the throttle, let’s run in high

And pass the other fellow by;

We have the scenery, water, air,

And all the things to make us fair.

From the front page of The Carolina Mountaineer and Waynesville Courier, Thursday, June 22, 1922. J.D. Boone was editor of the newspaper.

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