
Sunday, June 19, 2022

Wheel Lost On Turn, Car Overturns; Occupants Escape With Minor Bruises, June 18, 1922

Automobile Turns Over on Highway

A narrow escape from death or serious came to three persons in a roadster Friday night at 8 o’clock at the intersection of the Providence and Matthews roads when the car was wrecked throwing J. Milton Meacham of Charlotte, Miss Elizabeth Everington of New Bern, and T.A. Reynolds of Wadesboro out into the road, smashing the car up badly.

A wheel came off the car as it was turning from the Matthews into the Providence road while the car was going at rapid speed. The occupants escaped with only minor bruises. A man living in the neighborhood brought them to Charlotte in another car.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, June 18, 1922

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