
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Biddix Candy Company Will Move to Biltmore, July 27, 1922

Biddix Candy Company Will Move to Biltmore

The Biddix Candy Company of Marion is establishing a branch business on the Hendersonville road near Biltmore. Connected with the new store will be Mr. E.L. Gaston, formerly of Marion.

The Biddix Candy Company of Marion has been dealing in candies and groceries for several years. They have leased a large building near Biltmore and expect to carry a line of wholesale dry goods and notions. The authorized capital stock is $150,000, and the concern expects to do a large volume of business.

The business at Marion will probably be discontinued at some time in the future and the entire business conducted from the Biltmore store. Mr. J.L. Biddix, of this place, is an experienced merchant and has successfully conducted the wholesale candy and grocery business here for some time. The people of this section will regret to learn that Mr. Biddix plans to leave Marion. The best wishes of the business men and people of the community will go with Mr. Biddix in his new venture.

From the front page of the Marion Progress, July 27, 1922

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