
Saturday, July 30, 2022

Carroll Boys Struck and Killed by Lightning, Mother and Sister Injured, July 30, 1922

Lightning Instantly Kills Negro Children

Henderson, July 29—Just as they leaped into the door of their home off the lower end of Harwell avenue, after they had run out to meet their mother and carry her a wrap to shield her from the rain, Paul and Alphonso Carroll, aged 12 and 7, respectively, were struck by a bolt of lightning and instantly killed. The tragedy occurred shortly after 1 o’clock Friday afternoon during the terrible wind, hail and electrical storm that passed over the city. The boys were the children of Bertha Miller by her first husband, whose name was Carroll. A daughter, Hettie Carroll, aged 16, the oldest child in the family, was stunned and rendered unconscious by the same bolt of lightning, and the mother was struck in the feet and suffered a severe shock. She was unable to stand on her feet this afternoon. Doctors who were immediately summoned succeeded in reviving the girl, and it is believed she will recover.

From The Raleigh News & Observer, July 30, 1922

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