
Saturday, July 23, 2022

County Home Agent Takes Club Girls to Encampment at Chimney Rock, July 27-29, 1922

Rutherford Girls Go On Encampment

Rutherfordton, July 22—Miss Eva Logan, county home agent, and the girls’ club will attend the girls’ encampment at Chimney Rock, July 26-29. Miss Proffit of Charlotte will teach basketry, Mrs. Grady Withrow will have charge of making flowers, and Miss Rebecca Carpenter will teach the girls swimming.

It is understood that the Buncombe county camp will be held on the same dates as Rutherfordton and part of the educational work will be held together.

As the North Carolina Press Association will visit Chimney Rock on Friday, July 28, it is anticipated that the club girls will have the opportunity of hearing Governor Morrison and other prominent men speak while at the Rock.

From the Raleigh News & Observer, July 23, 1922

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