
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Dr. Edwards Injured When He Drives on Wrong Side of Road and Strikes Parked Car, July 26, 1922

Physician Injured in Automobile Crash

Wilson, July 25—That booze and gasoline in a combination that will not mix was again demonstrated on one of Wilson’s busiest thoroughfares last night about 10 o’clock. Dr. William B. Edwards of Spring Hope, so it is claimed, was on the wrong side of the street and crashed into a parked car. The parked car was damaged but slightly, but Dr. Edwards’ car was reduced to junk. One of the Doctor’s legs was forced through the floor of his machine and got hung up with the machinery and he was rendered unconscious for a while. He was taken to a local hospital for treatment and this morning he is resting easily. No bones are broken but he is considerably bruised about body and limbs.

From the Raleigh News & Observer, July 26, 1922

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