
Friday, July 22, 2022

Earle Holland, Forrest Turner Get Four Months on the Roads for Liquor Charges, July 22, 1922

Officers Get Liquor Haul at Loray

Recorder Jones heard only one case in his city court Saturday morning, that of the state vs. Earle Holland and Forrest Turner, charged with receiving, transporting, and keeping for sale intoxicating liquor. Each defendant plead guilty and was sentenced to the roads for terms of four months. Bond was fixed at $300 each. Both took appeals to Superior court. The case will come up at the August term.

It appears that Friday night the local officers were put wise to where some mountain dew was on tap and they went after it about midnight. Holland and Turner live at the Loray Mills. They came home a little after midnight with half-gallon jars of the pure, extra strong South Mountain by-product. Officers Cp;e Mingus and Sgt. Rankin made the arrest at the home of the defendants.

From the the front paqge of the Gastonia Daily Gazette, July 22, 1922.

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