
Saturday, July 30, 2022

Hart, Jenkins, Fountain and Parker Farms Among Those Damaged by Hail and Winds, July 30, 1922

Terrific Storm Hits Northeast Edgecombe. . . Believe Damage to Crops Will Run Into Thousands of Dollars

Rocky Mount, July 29—According to information reaching this city today, a terrific hail storm visited the northeast section of Edgecombe county between Leggetts and Speeds late yesterday afternoon and last night. The extent of the territory covered by this storm couldn’t be definitely learned, some reports saying that it extended as far as Scotland Neck. From the meager information received here crops in the section visited are a total loss, as every vestige of vegetation is reported to have been whipped and slashed into shreds by the large hail stones and a fierce wind. The only estimate obtainable placed the damage at hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Among the fine farms known to have been visited with great loss to crops are the Mabry farm of W.A. Hart, T.P. Jenkins’ Elm Grove Farm, Theo. Fountain’s farm above Leggetts and J.D. Parker’s farm near Speed.

From The Raleigh News & Observer, July 30, 1922

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