
Monday, July 18, 2022

High Point Furniture Mart Proving Popular, July 18, 1922

Buyers Are Still Arriving for the Furniture Mart. . . Second Week of the Furniture Exposition Is Proving as Successful as First

Dealers at the Southern Furniture Exposition building continue to be pleased with the sales being made. Although it has been estimated that more furniture already has been sold at the present show than during the whole period of time of any previous show, a large quantity is yet expected to be sold in the remaining four days of the exposition.

Trains arriving here from all directions in the past 24 hours have brought large numbers of buyers from states scattered over the country. There were few buyers in town last Saturday, but the first of the week brought a good supply of them. Much to the satisfaction of the manufacturers and salesmen, the buyers are not merely looking over displays; they are buying in large quantities. Information as to the exact volume of sales is not available, but a stroll through the huge exposition building furnishes sufficient proof of the success of the show. Buyers are to be seen on all the 10 floors of the building, inspecting the exhibits and making orders while the satisfied salesmen hurriedly jot down the orders and extoll the merits of their products.

Not only the manufacturers and the salesmen are satisfied; the buyers frequently express favorable opinions of the market. Many of them who are acquainted with the various markets in other sections of the county have pronounced this one to be the best of them all.

C.F. Long, manager of the exposition building, the man who is in probably the best position to make comparisons, believes that this show is undoubtedly the best in the history of the southern market. He is highly pleased with the present aspect and the future prospect.

Tonight at 8 o’clock there will be a meeting of all the exhibitors of the exposition in the ballroom of the Sheraton hotel. Plans will be made and the date set for the January market at this meeting. Fred Tate, secretary of the Southern Manufacturers’ association, urges that every exhibitor at the present show attend. It is the object of many to make the January show the biggest and best in the history of the furniture industry and it is for this reason that it is emphasized that every exhibitor be present at the meeting tonight.

From the front page of the High Point Enterprise, July 18, 1922

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