
Thursday, July 21, 2022

If Mrs. Buchan Makes Democratic Ticket, Rowland Will Run as Independent, July 21, 1922

Political Row in Vance County. . . If Rowland Is Defeated for Register of Deeds by Mrs. Buchan He will Be an Independent Candidate in the November Election

While Mrs. George Buchan of Henderson has been assigned the Democratic nomination for register of deeds of Vance county by the board of elections, five Republicans having made affidavit that they voted for her opponent, P.E. Rowland, who on the face of the returns had two majority, the end is not yet.

It is stated by friends of Mr. Rowland, also by disinterested observers, that he, incumbent of the office, did not put in evidence as to how many Republicans might have voted for his opponent in the primary because he did not desire to put himself in the position of having to abide by the decision of the board of elections. He has appealed his case to the superior court, and on the action taken by it depends his own action.

It is predicted that if Mr. Rowland doesn’t get what he deems to be justice through application to the courts, he intends to be an independent candidate in the November election.

From the front page of The Oxford Public Ledger, Oxford, N.C., Friday, July 21, 1922

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