
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Jack Conley, Sinclair Owens In Jail for Taking Car for Joy Ride, July 27, 1922

Negro Appropriates Car and Has Smash-Up

A car, the owner of which is unknown, was temporarily appropriated by Jack Conley and another colored boy by the name of Sinclair Owens, who went joy-riding Sunday evening. Owing to the fact that the driver of the car seemed to be full of spirits their pleasure was of short duration. Driving around town and going down Main street the car driven by the negro ran into Dr. G.B. Justice’s roadster, knocking it some distance and damaging it to a considerable extent. The car driven by the colored boy was also seriously damaged. Immediately after the collision a colored man and three colored women were seen to escape from the rear seat of the appropriated car. They left immediately and their identity is a mystery.

Conley and Owens were immediately taken into custody by Marshal Arrowood and were sent to Morganton for safe-keeping until court convenes. Efforts are being made to locate the owner of the car, but at this writing these efforts have been a failure.

From the front page of the Marion Progress, July 27, 1922

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