
Friday, July 15, 2022

John Guy, Cashier of First National Bank of Statesville Arrested for Embezzlement; Assistant Cashier C.E. Pennington Commits Suicide, July 15, 1922

Arrest Banker at Statesville; Assistant Dead

Statesville, July 14—John W. Guy, cashier of the First National Bank of Statesville, was arrested tonight charged with embezzlement. He waived examination and gave bond of $25,000 for appearance at the October term of the Federal court.

Guy’s arrest was said to have been ordered on the demand of the company which bonded him as an official of the bank. Announcement was made last Wednesday, following examination of the books of the bank by a National bank examiner that an apparent shortage of $85,000 had been discovered.

Assistant Cashier Killed Himself

At 9:45 o’clock yesterday evening, C.E. Pennington, assistant cashier of the First National Bank, committed suicide by firing a revolver into his left temple. He died about 45 minutes later.

Mr. Pennington had been sitting on the front porch of his home talking with his wife and daughter and with two neighbors who were paying the family an evening visit. Mr. Pennington excused himself, went to his room, and there a few minutes latter fired the fatal shot. He left four letters, one to his wife, one to his daughter, one to the cashier of the bank, and one to the president of the bank. In all of them he stated that his accounts were straight. In the letter to his wife, in addition to the assertion that his accounts were straight, he admitted, it is said, that he knew something was wrong.

From information gathered here by your correspondent, it seems to be generally understood that Mr. Pennington’s accounts were in good shape and that his suicide was due to worry.

From the front page of The Goldsboro News, July 15, 1922

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