
Thursday, July 28, 2022

KKK Thanks Methodist Church, Gives Rev. Caldwell $100, July 27, 1922

Ku Klux Klan Visits Church

Red Springs, July 22—The Ku Klux Klan, or a detachment, visited the Methodist church here, gave Rev. Ed Caldwell $100, and accompanied it by this letter:

“We desire to express to you our appreciation for your strong appeal for the right and your denunciation of all present evils and especially do we endorse your sermon last Sunday night when you laid to the axe to the root of the tree and hewed to the line regardless of where the chips fell. We also want to commend Pastor Hinson in his fight to stamp out sin and make Red Springs a better place in which to live, and we wish to assure each of you that we are with you in this great fight. In token of our appreciation the Klan hereby presents you with this small purse to be used as you see fit.”

From the front page of The Washington Progress, July 27, 1922

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