
Sunday, July 31, 2022

Lightning Bolt Kills C.C. Bost's Cow and Two Birds, July 31, 1922

A lightning bolt not only killed two birds with one shot but a cow to boot, Mr. R.L. Mize reported late Saturday. His cow was pastured in Mr. C.C. Bost’s lot in Highland and was standing about 20 feet from a poplar tree several days ago when an electrical storm came up. A bold splintered the tree, killed the cow and a jaybird and thrush which had taken refuge in the tree. Their bodies were found under the poplar by Mr. Mize and several other persons saw them. It was the first incident of this kind ever reported here.

From the Hickory Reporter, as reprinted on the front page of The Lincoln County News, Lincolnton, N.C., July 31, 1922

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