
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Mrs. Ernest Graham Hosts Bridge Party for Bride-Elect Miss Ellen Miller, July 20, 1922

Mrs. Ernest Graham Hostess

Mrs. Ernest Graham gave a most delightful bridge party this morning at her home on Mulberry street in honor of Miss Ethel Miller, bride-elect.

The home was a scene of beauty, flowers and ferns being used. The honoree was presented with a lovely guest prize. After the game a salad course was served.

Those enjoying Mrs. Graham’s hospitality were: Mesdames Robert Powell, Will Stroud, W.H. Smith, Murray Borden, Rob Miller, Vaden Guthrie, Edward Michaux, John Spicer, C.E. Wilkins, W.f. Nuffer, Eugene Hines, Edward Lee, Paul Edmundson, Faison Thomson, Misses Ethel Miller, Leah Slaughter, Mary Michaux, Mary Dortch, Sarah Borden, Mary Slaughter, Laurinda Hooks, Bolin McGinnis, McChern and Catherine Lofferts.

From the front page of The Goldsboro Daily Argus, Thursday, July 20, 1922

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