
Sunday, July 24, 2022

Trainload of N.C. Peaches Headed to North Markets, July 23, 1922

Trainload of Peaches Sent from Aberdeen. . . String of Cars More than Three-Fourths of a Mile Long

Aberdeen, July 22—A solid train load of peaches left Aberdeen yesterday for the northern markets There were 77 cars in the train. That means a string of peach cars more than three-fourths of a mile long, about 35,000 crates, more than 200,000 baskets and, if the peaches were all of the large 2-1 pack, there were about 5 million peaches. The largest shipment before this one was the one day before when 65 cars went out. It is probable that these will all be exceeded by shipments next week.

What with the irregularity of the trains by reason of the railroad troubles and the constant, continuing picketing and packing of peaches, the nerves of the Standard fruit growers are kept quite tense.

From the Raleigh News & Observer, July 23, 1922

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