
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Victor Huffman Was Big Prize Winner in Athletic Competitions, July 5, 1922

Victor Huffman Is Big Prize Winner

Victor Huffman cleaned up $12.50 in cash as prizes as a result of his prowess in the athletic contests on Main street yesterday afternoon, winning in two individual events and scoring with Lewis Scruggs in the three-legged race. Nobody was able to climb the greasy pole and $5 was put back in the treasury. The judges were Eubert Setzer, Donald Johnson and Joe Cilley.

The following is a list of events and prizes:

100 yard race—1st prize, Victor Huffman, $5; 2nd prize, Albert Hewitt, $2.50.

Bicycle race—1st price, Galloway Peterson, $5; 2nd prize, Sam Campbell, $2.50.

Three-legged race—1st prize, Lewis Scruggs and Victory Huffman, $2.50 each; 2nd prize, David McComb and Jake Geitner, $1.25 each.

Sack race—1st prize, Lynn Ivey, $5; 2nd prize, Jake Geitner, $2.50.

150 yard race—1st prize, Victor Huffman, $5; 2nd prize David McComb, $2.50.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Wednesday, July 5, 1922

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