
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Whitsett and Statesville News, July 19, 1922

Whitsett News. . . News of Death of Mr. Galloway Shock to People—Personals

Whitsett, July 18—Protracted services will begin at Springwood Presbyterian church, Rev. G.L. Whiteley, pastor, next Sunday, July 23, and continue through the following week. The hours for service will be 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The pastor will be assisted by visiting ministers.

Miss Faye Davenport, who is the welfare officer for Gaston county, is here visiting relatives. On Sunday evening she gave before the Society of Christian Endeavor a very interesting talk concerning her work. She was for some years in the faculty of the North Carolina College for Women.

Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Parker and children, who have been here for a visit, have returned to their home at Spartanburg, S.C.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Boring and son of Zebulon and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams of Spring Hope are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C.T.M. Clapp. Carl J. Clapp of High Point was also here Sunday to meet with his relatives.

Miss Isla Willis Thompson, who is at the summer school of the North Carolina College for Women, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home here. She was accompanied by a number of young ladies as visitors.

A handsome piano has been added to the equipment of the M.E. Church. It was placed in the church last week.

The news of the death of John Marion Galloway in Greensboro Sunday morning came as a great shock to his many friends here where he often visited. His wife was formerly Miss Margaret Greeson of this place, and many relatives live in this vicinity. His kind and genial disposition had made for him many friends upon his frequent visits, and his sudden death came as a great shock.

Prof and Mrs. J.H. Joyner, Mrs. Mary L. Whitsett, Mrs. G.W. Davenport and Mrs. T.L. Fitzgerald were in Greensboro Sunday visiting friends at St. Leo’s hospital.

Large crowds went from here last Sunday to attend the memorial exercises at Brick Church.

Several visitors are here from Vienna, Illinois, among them Hon. Charles Huffman, his father G.W. Huffman, and his sister Mrs. G.H. Wehlen. They are descendants of the late Hillary Huffman, and are here to visit the old homestead.

The memorial exercises at the Gibsonville cemetery will be held next Sunday, July 23, at 2:30 p.m. the following are on the program of exercises: Revs. G.W. Clay, G.W. McClannahan, B.F. LeLoatche, J.H. Abernethy and Dr. J.D. Gregg, Dr. W.T. Whitsett and Messrs. L.T. Barber and Irvin Holt. The committee in charge of the meeting consists of S.V. May, chairman, and Thomas Flynn, W.J. Jennings and Misses Olda Allen and Sallie Shepherd.


Statesville News. . . Several Deaths Occur in Iredell. Baptists Looking for Pastor

Statesville, July 18—The funeral of Cameron Ernest Pennington held Sunday morning at 10 o’clock at the home, was attended by a large number of friends. The quantity of beautiful flowers gave evidence of the respect in which he was held. The services were conducted by Revs. C.E. Reynal and J.W. Moore.

Mr. C.L. Rhyne, originally of Gastonia, but more recently of Lenoir, has purchased the Hall Drug company and took charge of the business Monday morning. The business will be operated under the same name and with the same force. The building and stock will be given a general overhauling and new fixtures installed.

The following men were named as a finance committee of the First Presbyterian Church to work out the details for financing the proposed new church building: N.B. Mills, C.M. Steele, D.J. Craig, L.S. Bristol, F.A. Sherrill, P.D. Kennedy and J.A. Scott Jr.

A pulpit committee of the First Baptist Church has been appointed to negotiate with ministers to take the place of Rev. G.V. Tilley whose resignation takes effect September 1. The committee is composed of L.K. Lazenby, C.H Keiger, E.S. Milsaps, Mrs. J.F. Bowles and Mrs. J.L. McCormick.

Mr. John Simonton died Sunday morning at the Iredell county home and was buried Monday morning in Oakwood cemetery. Mr. Simonton was a son of the late Jule Simonton and was born at the old Allen Place on Mocksville road. He is the last of a prominent family. He was about 55 to 60 years of age; wes tice married, his last wife surviving.

John Hunter, aged about 43 years, died Sunday night at his home at Stony Point following a stroke of paralysis. The funeral was conducted Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock at Stony Point. Mr. Hunter is survived by a large number of relatives in Alexander, Iredell and Mecklenburg counties.

Mrs. Frances Jane Deal, aged 75, died Sunday night at her home in Shiloh Township. Funeral was conducted Monday afternoon at Sharon Church. Mrs. Deal is survived by three children, Mr. Robert Deal, Miss May Deal and Mrs. Henry Waugh, all of this county.

From The Greensboro Daily News, July 19, 1922

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