
Saturday, July 9, 2022

Wilmington to Become a Stockyard Center, July 9, 1922

Wilmington to Become a Stockyard Center. . . Southern Packing Company Will Establish Elevators, Mills and Other Plants

Wilmington, July 8—One of the biggest industrial deals completed in eastern North Carolina in recent years was perfected here today with the sale of the Carolina Packing company to the Southern Packing company of Delaware, and the announcement that the new concern will establish immense stock yards, grain elevators, commercial milling plant, creamery and preserving plants here.

The company will utilize a site of 40 acres, the Wilmington plant to be merely one of a number to be opened in other sections of the south.

The stockyards will be ready in the early fall, the first move in view being the doubling of the capacity of the Carolina packing plant.

Plans of the company, published today, will, if carried out, make Wilmington the largest stockyard center in the south.

The amount involved in the deal was not made public.

From The Charlotte Observer, Sunday, July 9, 1922

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