
Thursday, August 11, 2022

110 Stills Captured and Destroyed by Federal Agents in N.C., July, 1922

110 Booze Plants Nabbed in July in N.C. by Officers. . . Prohibition Officers Making Fine Record; Total of 85,000 Gallons of Rum Taken

Boy—Page the bootleggers!

One hundred and ten stills were captured and destroyed in 30 days by federal officers in North Carolina under the direction of Federal Prohibition Director R.A. Kohloss, according to the monthly report for July—just issued.

Some record?

Best in the United States, it is said.

And besides that, approximately 85,000 gallons of illegitimate liquid was poured out on the cold ground by orders of this same prohibition director.

A total of 15 automobiles were seized during July, their estimated value being conservatively placed at $3,266. Total appraised value of property seized and destroyed is $32,299.50.

On top of it all, 91 arrests were made and 171 prosecutions recommended!

Number of illicit stills, 110; still worms, 27; gallons spirits, 1,098; gallons of malt liquors, 81,094; gallons of wine, 412; gallons of mash, 541; number fermenters, 1,027; automobiles seized, 15; value of automobiles seized, $3,255; total appraised value of property seized and destroyed, $32,299.50; total appraised value of property seized and not destroyed, $4,446; amount of proceeds of sale of seized property, $114; amount of expenses incurred incident to seizure and sale, $18.75; number of arrests, 91; number of prosecutions recommended, 171.

From the front page of the Salisbury Evening Post, Friday, Aug. 11, 1922

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