
Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Cornerstone of McDowell County Courthouse to be Laid Aug. 19, 1922

Corner Stone Laying Aug. 19. . . Court House Corner Stone to be Laid Saturday With Impressive Ceremony

The corner stone of the new Court House is to be laid next Saturday at 2 p.m. Plans have been perfected for an elaborate and impressive exercise which is to be under the auspices of the North Carolina Grand Lodge of Masonry. The high officials of the State Grand Lodge will conduct the ceremony after which speeches will be made by a number of prominent men from different parts of the state. Judge Bynum of Greensboro and O. Max Gardner of Shelby will be among the number of those who are to speak.

The Masonic Lodge of Marion is arranging for every detail of the program which promises to be the most impressive exercise ever held in Marion. Various committees have been appointed who are busy with the different plans. The entertainment committee hopes to make the day one of the most pleasant to all who may be present in Marion for the exercises.

From all indications there will be people present from many sections of the State. A large crowd of citizens from all over McDowell county promise to come with their families to witness the various ceremonies.

It has been the custom for a long period of time throughout the civilized world for the Masons to officiate at the corner stone laying of all large public buildings. It will be the first of its kind to be given in McDowell county. The committee on arrangements extends a cordial invitation to every citizen of McDowell county to be present at this exercise on Saturday, August 19th.

From the front page of the Marion Progress, Aug. 17, 1922

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