
Sunday, August 14, 2022

Efforts to Liberate Dr. Peacock, Slayer of Chief Taylor, From State Prison, Aug. 14, 1922

Raleigh Watching Efforts to Liberate Dr. Peacock, Slayer of Police Chief

By Oscar Coffin

Raleigh, Aug. 14—Raleigh is watching the movement to get Dr. J.W. Peacock, slayer of Chief Taylor of Thomasville, out of the state prison.

The city’s interest was aroused by the indignation shown in Davidson when reports of the propaganda wee printed. A commission to make inquiry has been expected and the affidavit supporting the contention that Dr. Peacock is sane, has been looked for a long time. What holds back the partisans of the doctor, nobody seems to know. But everybody here knows that they are at work.

From the front page of The Daily Free Press, Kinston, N.C., Aug. 14, 1922

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