
Thursday, August 18, 2022

Elementary School Teacher Miss Womack, 33, Dies Following Surgery on Tonsils, Aug. 18, 1922

Miss Ida Womack Dies Suddenly in Danville

Miss Ida Norman Womack died Wednesday at noon in a Danville hospital where she had gone for an operation for tonsilitis She died shortly after leaving the operating room at the hospital. Miss Womack underwent the operation by the administration of a local anesthetic, which deadens the nerves in the locality to be operated upon, and which does not produce insensibility of the body as does ether and chloroform. The operation had apparently been successful and she had been removed to her room in another pat of the building when she died suddenly from a brain hemorrhage without warning. She is said to have been talking to Dr. Edmunds just before she was seized. Her death was due to what physicians term cerebral embolism, a clot of blood on the brain.

Miss Womack was known and greatly beloved in Reidsville and throughout the State. Only recently she had resigned her position as Sunday School secretary of elementary work in the Western North Carolina M.E. Conference, making her headquarters in Lexington, and had accepted a position on the teaching faculty of the Franklin street grammar school. Last week she went to Richmond to consult a specialist. Following a thorough examination, she was told by the specialist that with the exception of her run-down condition and tonsillitis she was in splendid shape. He advised her to take a good rest and later undergo an operation for tonsilitis. She was apparently well when on Wednesday, accompanied by her sister, Miss Mary Womack, she went to Danville to undergo the minor operation for the removal of tonsils before starting her school work.

The body was brought to her home in Reidsville Wednesday evening.

The deceased, who was 33 years of age, is survived by her mother, Mrs. Sue Womack; three brothers, Abe, Jas. F., and Nathan Womack, and three sisters, Misses Marion, Mary and Margaret Womack, all of Reidsville.

The funeral service was conducted from the residence of Lindsey street Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock by Rev. W.F. Lambeth of High Point, former pastor of the deceased. Interment followed at Greenview cemetery.

The pall-bearers were Wm. D. Stocks, E.H. Wrenn Jr., R.L. Ellington, O.V. Woosey, of Lexington, J.A. Fetzer and Dr. S.G. Jett.

The flower-bearers were Manton Oliver, P. Watt Richardson, W.A. Trotter, Scott Fillman, T.R. Whittmore, J.T. Richardson, R.S. Montgomery, B.M. Balsley, C.H. Fetzer, W.B. Kiker, Irvin Walker, Wm. R. Dalton, Jos. Delancy, Ed Delancy, Cosmo Benson, M.W. Pleasants, Eugene Foster, Dave R. Young, P.H. Gwynn Jr., H.E. Link, Wilbur Walker, W.E. McRorie, C.E. Brewer, B.R. Stone, B.L. Hurdle, J. Minor Gwynn, Wm. Giles, J. Ben Balsley, Dr. J.S. Wells, J. Ed Smith, R.H. Tucker, Chas. H. Balsley, John D. Watt, Francis Womack.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Aug. 18, 1922

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