
Friday, August 26, 2022

Fate of Howard Brown, 17, Accused Murderer, In Hands of Jury, Aug. 26, 1922

Fate of Goldsboro Boy Charged With Murder Is In Hands of a Jury

Goldsboro, Aug. 26—Arguments in the trial of Howard Brown, 17-year-old youth charged with the murder of Albert Beshara last April, was completed in Wayne county superior court this morning, and Judge Oliver Allen delivered his charge to the jury and gave the case to the jury at 1 o’clock. The jurors were taken out for dinner and will begin their deliberations at 2 o’clock.

Interest here has been aroused to a high pitch and the court room has been crowded to capacity during the trial.

From the front page of the High Point Enterprise, Aug. 26, 1922

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