
Saturday, August 20, 2022

George Briskow Hit by Passing Car the Day After He Was Laid Off Work, Aug. 20, 1922

Printer Injured by an Automobile

George Briskow, former employee of the Durham Sun, was hit by a passing automobile at the intersection of Orange and Chapel Hill streets at 9:30 o’clock last night and painfully injured. He was knocked unconscious but regained consciousness within a short time after the accident occurred. Officers Maddy and Bobbitt went to the assistance of the injured man and sent him to Watts hospital where he was given an examination and his injuries dressed. He was reported to be resting comfortably last night.

Briskow, according to the officers, did not know who the men were who were in the car that struck him but thought they were negroes. He was until yesterday foreman of the composing room of the Sun but was laid off together with several other men. He came to Durham from Petersburg, Va.

From the Durham Morning Herald, Aug. 20, 1922

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