
Thursday, August 11, 2022

Gunpowder Explosion Under Shanty at Asheville Railway Yards, Aug. 11, 1922

Gunpowder Explosion Occurs Under Shanty in Asheville Yards

By Associated Press

Asheville, Aug. 11—Investigations were started today by United States marshals and officials of the Southern Railroad to establish the identity of persons who exploded a charge of gunpowder under a shanty car lying on the local yards last night.

No one was injured although the car was occupied by men at supper was damaged.

The explosion was heard for many blocks. It occurred about 11:20 p.m.

Investigators said today that the effect of the explosion practically established the belief that gunpowder and not dynamite was used.

From the front page of the Salisbury Evening Post, Friday, Aug. 11, 1922

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