
Thursday, August 18, 2022

Jasper Thomas, Angus Murphy to be Electrocuted on Sept. 15, 1922

Speedy Trial at Carthage for Three Negro Men

A special from Carthage says: Jasper Thomas and Angus Murphy, both negroes, were convicted at 4:40 o’clock this afternoon of criminal assault on Mrs. A.E. Ketchen of Miami, Fla., and of shooting her husband, A.E. Ketchen. Judge B.F. Long immediately sentenced them to be electrocuted in Raleigh September 15.

John Lee, the third negro caught after the crime that aroused Moore county from one end to the other, was convicted of assault on Mr. Ketchen and was sentenced by Judge Long to 12 years’ imprisonment.

The jury needed only 11 minutes to reach its verdict. No argument was presented by lawyers.

The outstanding feature of the evidence at the afternoon session was Mrs. Ketchen’s positive identification of Angus Murphy from his voice as the man who assaulted her. Her testimony came after she had heart Murphy testify in his own behalf.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Aug. 18, 1922

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