
Friday, August 19, 2022

Landon Wright, One of Men Kidnapped in July, In Trouble for Striking S.T. Hatch, Aug. 19, 1922

Wright Gets Into Trouble Here Today

Landon C. Wright, who figured in a kidnapping affair Thursday night, in which he was the kidnapped person, got into trouble today. It is alleged that abut 2:30 o’clock this afternoon S.T. Hatch and two or three men were talking in the streets, when Wright stopped in their midst. One of the men told him to move on and he did so, but returned in a few minutes and struck Mr. Hatch in the head, knocking him against a post nearby.

Wright was taken to police headquarters, but was released on bond.

From the front page of The Fayetteville Observer, Aug. 19, 1922

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