
Thursday, August 4, 2022

Lawsonville Avenue School Converted into Temporary Hospital; Children Have Tonsils, Adenoids Removed, Aug. 4, 1922

Temporary Hospital Here Had Busy Time With The Children

The State Board of Health cooperating with the local school authorities has just completed a very fine piece of work in this community. Reference is made to the clinic last week at the Lawsonville Avenue School for the removal of adenoids and tonsils.

During the four days that the clinic was in progress, the whole lower floor of the school building was converted into a hospital, and the people from all over the county were invited to bring their children there for examination and operation. A hundred cases were operated on, 45 per cent of which were handled without charge to the parents. The latter cases would very likely never have received the attention needed had it not been for the opportunity offered by the State.

The clinic was the culmination of the work of Miss Dunn, who rendered valuable services to the schools of the county during the past winter and spring, and who supervised the physical examination of practically all the children in the county at that time. She brought with her a specialist and an efficient corps of nurses, as well as ample equipment for making the work of the clinic thoroughly successful.

The work done was of the highest order. Each child received the closest possible attention at skillful hands, and conscientious care was given to each case to prevent any possible chance of accident or neglect. All of the children were required to remain for a day and a night at the “hospital” for the observation of the nurses in charge. Their parents were allowed to remain with them, and it was an interesting sight, indeed, to see the little folks lying on the cots in the school rooms, with their parents sitting by to comfort and wait on them.

Rockingham County has benefitted greatly by this sample of the wonderful work being carried on all over the State by the State Board of Health. It is feared that North Carolinians do not appreciate the true worth of this department of our government which is doing so much to alleviate suffering and safeguard the lives of its citizens. We take it as a matter of course, but it shows up in its true proportions to outsiders. The Department of Health has brought more favorable advertising to North Carolina than any other agency in the State and it merits the undivided support of every loyal citizen.

From the front page of the Reidsville Review, Friday, Aug. 4, 1922

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